Ajay NS

Ajay NS

I'm an undergrad student pursuing a Bachelors in Technology, Computer engineering. I work on frontend development and design, passionate about building beautiful experiences for the web and beyond. The technologies I work on primarily includes ReactJS, Redux, GatsbyJS, styled-components, SCSS, lot more to name and Figma, Adobe Creative Suite for design. I'm also a big fan of Open Source, and have made a couple contributions to GatsbyJS project itself as well.

Over the summer I worked with Plone for the GatsbyJS integration with Plone project for Google Summer of Code '18. Two projects, in particular, gatsby-source-plone and gatsby-starter-plone which can be used to whip up a static version of any Plone site in a matter of minutes, and minimal configuration.

Twitter: @ajayns08   |   Github: ajayns