
November 7-9, 2018


Digitize Processes - Plone Intranet in Real Life

Alexander Pilz

Alexander Pilz

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Beginner

Target Audience: Integrator, User, Developer

Plone Intranet has evolved over the past years from a platform for sharing content to an engine that protects people from repetitive work strain. While earlier talks on Plone Intranet were technical and design oriented, this talk now describes applications of Plone Intranet from real customer projects. It shows examples where saving a bit of time for everybody highly exceeds saving a lot of time for a few and what a system must do to get really popular.

When: From 11/9/18 11:30 AM to 11/9/18 12:10 PM

Location: Sub Exhibition Hall(2F)