This year we have three keynotes, one in the morning of each day:
Jim Fulton

Jim Fulton led Zope development for many years and created many key Zope components, such as the ZODB, the Zope Publisher, Component Architecture and more. Jim is also a co-creator of the Buildout development and deployment tool.
At Zope Corporation, he created a wide variety of open-source tools, many concerned with deploying and managing applications. Jim is a Python contributor and has been using Python for more than 20 years.
Eric Steele

Eric Steele began his Plone career with Penn State University's WebLion group, where he authored several widely-used Plone products, including GloWorm and FacultyStaffDirectory. In 2009, Eric became Plone's release manager, overseeing the Plone 4 and 5 releases. By day, he works for, building testing and release automation tools to support corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering efforts.
Torajiro Aida

Torajiro is a Japanese high school student, who loves programming. He started programming at the age of 6, and since then he has been learning it by himself, making a lot of software for fun.
He is also interested in new technology, such as Blockchain. However, his interest is not only technology itself but also how technology affects our society and ethics. He has his own philosophy, that Blockchain will be an implementation of magic.
His parents are both contemporary artists, so he makes artworks, too. In 2015 he joined an exhibition ("Whose place is this?") at Museum Of Contemporary Art Tokyo with his parents. In 2018 his artwork took New Face Award in Japan Media Art Festival.
- GatsbyJS with Plone by Ajay NS
- Plone, quo vadis? by Alexander Loechel
- Digitize Processes - Plone Intranet in Real Life by Alexander Pilz
- Online interactive Risk Assessment - more safety, less paper by Alexander Pilz
- Plone Continuous Deployment with Gitflow, Docker and Jenkins by Alin Voinea
- starting zope programming by Atsushi Odagiri
- Pyramid Services by Atsushi Odagiri
- Getting started with Transmogrifier by Chrissy Wainwright
- Performant applications in Plone by David Batranu
- Plone on Python 3: How to make the switch by David Glick
- How we reduced Plone's learning curve with DIY serverless by Dylan Jay
- Building a business solution with Guillotina by Eric BREHAULT
- Building a Tax Knowledge base with Plone by Érico Andrei
- From Contentful to Plone + GatsbyJS by Érico Andrei
- Organizing your Scientific (Mathematical) Publications by Gildardo Bautista García Cano, Adriana Ramirez Vigueras
- Introduction to Elm by Godefroid Chapelle
- Great authorization for Django, like Pyramid by Hiroki Kiyohara
- Plone from the perspective of Orchard Core by Jean Jordaan
- Game of Plones - Plone as a Gamification Platform by Johanna Lenhard, Jörg Zell
- We are the good guys – aren’t we? Privacy Experience in Plone and other Open Source CMS by Jörg Zell
- State of Plone performance by Jörg Zell
- Command Line Plone Tools by KUMAR AKSHAY
- How to diff XML by Lennart Regebro
- Plone CLI by Maik Derstappen
- Buildung a PWA with Aurelia & Plone-Rest-API by Maik Derstappen
- Privacy best practice and Plone by Matthew Wilkes
- Beyond 100% test coverage by Nejc Zupan
- Pipenv: Python Dev Workflow for Humans by Nejc Zupan
- Plone-react as Library (create-react-app) feature by Nilesh Gulia
- What are Jamaicans doing with Plone? by Oshane Bailey
- Visual Regression Testing (Working title) by Paul Grunewald
- Accessibility for modern front-ends by Paul Roeland
- Plone Loves Python 3 by Philip Bauer
- Portal Modelo - Plone for parliaments by Ramiro Batista da Luz
- Guillotina - Internals and Future by Ramon Navarro Bosch
- Guillotina CMS - The missing link by Ramon Navarro Bosch
- Let me work those flows for(m) you - Case Supervisiondoc at University of Jyväskylä by Rikupekka Oksanen
- Plone-React by Rob Gietema
- Accessibility in Plone: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by Sally Kleinfeldt
- Plone 5 Upgrades In Real Life by Sally Kleinfeldt
- Now play within IFTTT Ecosystem by Shriyansh Agrawal
- Alleviate Healthcare with Bahmni: Electronic Medical Record System by Smarita Sharma
- Alternative Approach to Plone Theming by Stefan Antonelli
- Reinventing Plone: Roadmap to the Modern Web by Timo Stollenwerk
- Plone-React Case Studies: When Stability and Security meet Speed and a Modern User Interface by Timo Stollenwerk, Victor Fernandez de Alba, Ramon Navarro Bosch
- Ten Years After: An Integrator's Tale by TsungWei Hu
- Theming Plone-React by Victor Fernandez de Alba
- Plone-React Extensibility story by Victor Fernandez de Alba, Rob Gietema
- WSGI on cafebabepy by Yoshiaki Shibutani
- CI testing system implemented based on zc.buildout by Yusei Tahara