
November 7-9, 2018


Plone from the perspective of Orchard Core

Jean Jordaan

Jean Jordaan

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Expert

Target Audience: Integrator, Designer, Developer

I'm currently working with the Orchard CMS.

It addresses many of the same issues as Plone: flexible content type definitions, workflow, fully customisable layout and theming, third-party module development, all with a strong through-the-web story.
In many cases, I find the Orchard solutions form an interesting contrast to the Plone way, specifically in terms of content type definition, widgets, templating and layout.

I'd like to look at Orchard from a Plone point of view: what is easier, what is lacking, what lessons can we take from another player in the same space.

I will be looking at Orchard Core, the fully cross-platform rewrite that is in beta now. It uses a .NET document database working on any RDBMS (we use postgres and sqlite).

Orchard is an open source (BSD 3-Clause) project, .Net, C#, started around 2009.

When: From 11/7/18 3:00 PM to 11/7/18 3:40 PM

Location: Conference Room(3F)