
November 7-9, 2018


Plone on Python 3: How to make the switch

David Glick

David Glick

Length: Long Talk

Target Level: Expert

Target Audience: Developer

"2020 is coming fast, and the journey toward Python 3 compatibility is almost complete — for Plone core itself. But what will it take to migrate an actual Plone website? I’ll review the internal changes that have happened to make Plone run on Python 3, and offer advice on how to approach the upgrade for add-ons and Plone-based projects. Including:
- What has changed in Zope 4
- Running Plone under WSGI
- How to migrate your ZODB
- Suggestions of areas that will need careful attention"

When: From 11/9/18 2:00 PM to 11/9/18 2:40 PM

Location: Sub Exhibition Hall(2F)