Intro to CastleCMS
Instructor: T. Kim Nguyen
Length: 1/2 day
Target Level: Intermediate
Target Audience: Integrator, User
About CastleCMS 
CastleCMS ( is an open source distribution of Plone that includes:
- an enhanced user interface that streamlines creating and managing content on large, complex sites
- many integrated backend services, such as Elastic Search, Google Analytics, Amazon S3 bulk archival storage
- improved security, such as login/lockout support, two factor authentication, and login shield
CastleCMS was created by Wildcard Corp., the cybersecurity-focused web development company that creates and manages large-scale web sites for government, universities, and businesses.
What You Will Learn
In this class, we will work through a set of exercises in which you will learn:
- the streamlined UI: the many new content editing features introduced by CastleCMS
- the new integrated backend services that come with CastleCMS
- slots, tile layouts, and page designs: the differences between CastleCMS themes and Plone Diazo themes
- how to create and modify themes for CastleCMS
We will also cover:
- the CastleCMS development and release roadmap
- the differences between the publicly available CastleCMS and CastleCMS Advantage
- how to deploy CastleCMS on your own servers or as part of a managed service
What to Bring
- a laptop with VirtualBox installed
- your questions!